British Aircrew Mk1 / 1941 Pattern Life Jacket

1941 PatternStores Ref No's: 22C/447 Medium | 22C/448 Large
Mk1 BasicStores Ref No's: 22C/447 Medium | 22C/448 Large
Mk1 ModifiedStores Ref No's: 22C/1116 Medium | 22C/1118 Large

The name "Mk1" was at some point bestowed upon the existing 1941 pattern life jacket. I found this out by finding the Stores Reference 22C/ numbers for the medium and large sizes of the 1941 pattern and the Mk1 are the same.

Service Images

Mk1 Life Jackets


British Aircrew Mk1 Life Jacket

RAF / RN Resources

AP1182E Vol 1, Section 2,

British Aircrew Mk3 Life Jacket

AP1182E Vol 1, Section 2,


Stores Ref.Nomenclature
