British Aircrew Mask PEC Mk1

Mk1 Stores Ref: 6D/2073 | Drawing No: MBEU/8908

The Mk1 PEC was only used in the RAF for all Mks of Lightning, Canberra PR9 and B(I)12, and Victor K2.

A "Fighter Type" PEC for low altitude, it provided connections for: breathing oxygen, AVS, anti-G trousers, and communications.

The upper end of the oxygen hose is fitted with a Mk7A oxygen bayonet connector, and the communications cable is fitted with a 626-Type socket, commonly known as the "UK NATO socket". The commucnications cable is attached to the oxygen hose with either "Lassovic Tape" or John Bull S-Pattern Cable Clips.


Mk1 PEC dated September 1972

The man portion is dated 9/72, the hose cure date is missing.

British Aircrew Lightning AEA poster 1966 ML Aviation British Aircrew Lightning AEA poster 1966 ML Aviation

RAF Resources

AP1182E, Volume 1, Section 4, chapter 8, Fig 1 (AL109, February 1965)

British Aircrew Mk1 PEC

Manufacturers Resources

Overview of personal equipment connectors, Airmed, WW191 Issue 4, July 1975

British Aircrew Mk1 PEC

Lightning F3 AEA poster, ML Aviation, 1966

The Mk1 mask PEC is shown as item 10 in this AEA poster under "Low Altitude".

British Aircrew Lightning AEA poster 1966 ML Aviation