EE Lightning Technical Resource

Over the years, being involved in classic aviation projects (mainly Lightning orientated), I've amassed some photos and videos that may help people building model aircraft, designing flight-sim virtual models, or looking after the real thing, so I thought I'd share.

Some Tips for modelers are included here to highlight non-original aspects, to help accurate model making.

T5 Lightning Cockpit

Please click the image or here to go to the T5 Cockpit page, including videos with power on and a T5 Virtual Cockpit Tour.

T5 Lightning 1980's camouflage painting guide

Please click the image below to download the 28 page T5 Camouflage Painting Guide PDF (11.2 MB).

Extracted from a 1982 RAF manual (Air Publication or AP), it gives all dimensions and colour codes of every stencil needed to paint your Lightning!

F6 Lightning 1980's camouflage painting guide

Please click the image below to download the 34 page F6 Camouflage Painting Guide PDF (14.3 MB).

Extracted from a 1982 RAF manual (Air Publication or AP), it gives all dimensions and colour codes of every stencil needed to paint your Lightning!

General Cold War RAF aircraft servicing and safety symbols

This guide shows the correct shape and colours of symbols painted to aircraft skins, and cockpit controls. Dated 1967 from AP-3373 (Standard Technical Training Notes).

T5 Port elephant's ear panel

This panel contains UHF / VHF radio system components, Tacan, and also the fuel contents measurement system.


T5 Lightning Undercarriage and wheel well

Starboard side undercarriage



Some info I'm gathering on the Lightning's Rolls-Royce Avon engines can be found HERE.