British Aircrew Lightweight D.T.D.1102 Flying Gloves

Gloves similar to the standard cape leather gloves but with slightly longer cuff. I researched D.T.D. and found it to be the Directorate of Technical Development, and D.T.D.1102 is one of their standards. If I can find a copy of this stnadard it will be shown why the cuff was extended on these gloves.

RAF / RN Resources

AP1182E, Vol 1, Section 1, Chapter 8, (AL 10, October 1951)


8. These gloves (fig 4) are made of Cape leather and are similar to the gloves described in para4, except that the cuffs are longer. They are available in pairs in sizes 7 1/2 to 10 rising in half sizes, under Stores Ref. 22C/1121 to 1126.

Note, paragraph 4 referenced above relates to the standard cape leather gloves.

British Aircrew Cape Leather Flying Gloves