In order to naviagte while using FlightGear (having had zero navigation training) a nice little mapping feature exists, Phi. Phi is a web interface which amongst other things uses openstreetmap to show the live position of your aircraft. You can view it on the local machine, or on a remote macine over a network.
I run my FlightGear PC with 2x monitors on a graphics card kindly donated to the PC build. This card gives frame rates of about 20 to 30 FPS when running the one screen for FlightGear.
When I placed the Phi map in Firefox on the second monitor, the FlightGear graphics frame rate would drop, and also would freeze up occasionally, so using a second computer across my network was clearly the best way to go to relieve load on my graphics card.
Not having my own laptop at the time, I tried using a Raspberry Pi 3. So a fresh install of Raspbian, launched the default browser Chromium, pointed it at the IP address and port of my PC, and bingo! - it worked like a charm!
FlightGear PC | Raspberry Pi
Out of interest, I also experimented by trying it on an old original Raspberry Pi 1 with stock install of Raspbian, which failed miserably!, but with overclocking to 1000Mhz, and giving the GPU 126Mb of memory, it did work, but was a little clunky, and the processor got pretty hot! It's definately a big ask for such a tiny computer.