RTFM Library

Please expand the list where a ▶ symbol is present.

As this will always be a work in progress, a green tick mark () shows where documents are presently available.

Not for profit

This information resource is intended to help air museums, aircraft restoration & preservation groups, flight simulator designers, historians, researchers, enthusiasts, general interest readers, etc... All files and information provided here are not for sale, or to be sold by myself or others, but are provided for free as my contribution to the greater good of the vintage avition commnity. I don't even use cookies or trackers on this website, meaning not a single penny is made, I am just siply trying to help people and their projects by sharing the library I have gatehred over the years.

All of the information is offered free of cost for three reasons:
1. The information was created by aircraft and parts manufacturers, the Air Ministry etc.. therfore I see that I have no right to profit from other peoples work.
2. I firmly belive that knowledge should be accessible to all; there should be no tax on learning, or financial barrier to education.
3. Having spent years looking after vintage aircraft, I know the importance of following the correct manuals. This is where I learnt the term "RTFM" from ex-RAF guys.


Some of these manuals have been scanend by myself, most have been passed on to me by others, I thank them for their donations, but cannot always verify the original people who scanned them to give thanks. The people who diretly passed these manuals on to me were happy for them to appear here, to share freely, helping the community.

I have processed a lot of these materials by organising them, and applying OCR layer to PDFs to help with searching.

If you spot material that was originally scanned by you, I extend my gratitude as you have helped to make this resource possible; as said above, I have no visibility as to the original scanners of a lot of this material, so thank you SO much! If you are unhappy about the scanned material being shared, please do let me know, but please bear in mind that it would be a shame to dismantle such a useful resourse.


I cannot and do not garuntee the validity, accuracy or relevance of this information to be used for flight, or the maintenance or operation of aircraft, or any other area where safety may be compromised by the use of outdated or incorrect/irrelevant information.

All information is provided "as-is" with no garuntee of accuracy or relevance.

(Adapted from the Wikimeia general disclaimer)
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