An aircrew equipment assembly, AEA, is a prescribed set of flying clothing and equipment necessary for safe flight and emergency situations. It supports life and normal human function under adverse conditions of high G, high altitude, low ambient oxygen levels, and also safeguards against possible harm caused by events such as ejection.
Items of an AEA are selected to suit specific aircraft, however the AEA evolves over time as new equipment is developed and brought into service.
This evidence based guide is meant to illustrate the items used over the decades by Lightning aircrew. The dates are based on documentation and photographic evidence, but there is some overlap as some squadrons would be re-equipped before others, some aircrew would be re-equipped before others, and some may have been reluctant to change. It's not unusual to see images of groups of aircrew in one squadron with some inconsistent AEA items.
Use the list of links below to discover more about each item:
Ejection seat
Personal equipment connector (PEC)
Life preserver
Pressure jerkin
Leg restraint garters
Caption on image reverse:
PRB 18488 - Air Fighting Development Squadron of the Central Fighter Establishment at R.A.F. Coltishall. In front of an English Electric Lightning F(AW)Mk.1 are Sqn. Ldr. R. R. Harding and S./Tech. C.A. Johnson.
February, 1960.
Lightning F Mk.1A of 111 Squadron, Flight Lieutenant Ian Thomson at RAF Wattisham
October 1962
Source: Imperial War Museum
Lightning F Mk.3 XP741 of 111 Sqn. at RAF Wattisham
circa 1965
Source: Imperial War Museum
Lightning F Mk.6 aircraft of 11 Sqn. at RAF Leuchars
Source: Imperial War Museum
T Mk.5 mechanical "Vol. 1":
A.P.101B-1005-1A, Sect. 3, Chap. 10, A.L.56, Oct. 1971 - Oxygen System
F Mk. 3, T Mk. 5 and F Mk. 6 aircrew manual:
A.P.101B-1003, 5 & 6A, Part 1, Chapter 12, A.L.2, Nov. 1984, Pilot Equipment and Associated Systems - Paragraph 10
Aircrew Equipment Assemblies:
A.P.1182, Sect. 1, Chap. 5, A.L.30, Oct. 1959 - Personal Equipment Connector
A.P.1182, Vol. 1, Book 2, Sect. 16, Chap. 5, A.L.103, Mar. 1966 - Lightning T Mk. 5, Mk. 4BSB Ejection Seat
A.P.1182E, Vol. 1, Sect. 4, Chap. 8, A.L.107, Mar. 1964 - Oxygen Hose Assemblies - Low Altitude PECs
A.P.1182E, Vol. 1, Sect. 4, Chap. 9, A.L.104, Jan. 1964 - Pressure Jerkin Hose Assemblies - High Altitude PECs
A.P.108F-0904-12, Jan 1987, Oxygen Hose Assemblies
Flying - The Aircrew, Airmanship and Aircraft Performance:
A.P.3456E, Part 1, Sect. 2, Chap. 1, A.L.14, Mar. 1984 - Oxygen Equipment and Assemblies
ML Aviation:
ML Aviation, July 1975 Hose Assemblies and Connectors
ML Aviation, 1966, F Mk. 3 Lightning aircrew equipment assemblies (AEA)